Step into Comfort: Expert Advice from Dr. Ira Bernstein on Maintaining Healthy Feet and Ankles

Our feet and ankles are the unsung heroes of our daily lives, supporting our weight, absorbing shock, and propelling us forward with every step we take. Yet, they often go unnoticed until they start causing us pain or discomfort. Dr. Ira Bernstein, a respected authority in foot and ankle care, shares his top tips for maintaining optimal foot and ankle health, allowing you to step with confidence and comfort.

First and foremost, Dr. Bernstein stresses the importance of wearing properly fitting shoes. Ill-fitting footwear can lead to a myriad of foot and ankle problems, including blisters, bunions, and ingrown toenails. To ensure a proper fit, Dr. Bernstein recommends getting your feet measured regularly and choosing shoes that provide ample room for your toes, good arch support, and cushioning to absorb shock during walking or running.